Chapter 2. Earning of Merit & Sin

Similar to the gain and loss of economic value in modern economics, Dhammonomics, on the other hand, gives priority to earning of merit and sin which are the positive and negative energy that enable both material and immaterial happenings. 

According to Dhammonomics, we have equation(s) showing the relationship on how merit and sin are earned.  Despite of a chapter explaining about merit and sin in Buddhist scriptures, the equation(s) explain the phenomena in the simple way that (1) Merit Energy is earned when our thought, speech, and action are wholesome (virtuous) and (2) Sin Energy is earned when our thought, speech, and action are unwholesome (immoral).  The earning is more or less depending on how strong the intention is.  The stronger intention, the more merit or sin received. 

By Pirajak S. (Pittaya Wong)

2 August 2018