Chapter 16. Equation of Enlightenment
= (E) =
(Unification of Magga x (Accumulation x
Cultivation of Merit)Time Frame) Resolution
E =
(UF x (A x C)T)R
Enlightenment is the ultimate goal of Buddhism. With
enlightenment, one can eliminate mental fetters which are bonding impurities or
defilements in order to become pure and Holy;
thereafter, one is eligible to enter the Nirvana which is the state of pure and
permanent bliss. To attain enlightenment, it requires any or many of the
37 factors contributing to enlightenment (Bodhipakkhiyadhamma) that one should
observe or apply. Each of the 37 factors
contributing to enlightenment can be categorized into one or more of the Noble
Eightfold Path or Magga.
The Buddhist teaching on the 37 factors leading to enlightenment
is grouped into seven sub-topics which can be listed as follows:
A. The Four Mindfulness
Mindfulness of bodily movement and on-going (Right Mindfulness)
Mindfulness of mental feeling (Right Mindfulness)
Mindfulness of mental condition and on-going (Right Mindfulness)
Mindfulness of mental qualities (Right Mindfulness)
B. The Four Right Attempt
Attempting to prevent the unexisting unwholesomeness from existing (Right Effort)
Attempting to eliminate the existing unwholesomeness (Right Effort)
Attempting to cherish the unexisting wholesomeness to exist (Right Effort)
Attempting to cherish the existing wholesomeness to prosper (Right Effort)
C. The Four Attributes to Success
Willingness (Right Intent)
Perseverance (Right Effort)
(C3) Attention
(Right Mindfulness)
Pondering on Cause & Effect (Right View)
D. The Five Mental Domination
(D1) Mental
domination of faith (Right Intent)
(D2) Mental
domination of perseverance (Right Effort)
(D3) Mental
domination of mindfulness (Right Mindfulness)
(D4) Mental
domination of concentration & calmness (Right Concentration)
(D5) Mental
domination of wisdom (Right View & Intent)
E. The Five Power
(E1) Power of
faith (Right Intent)
(E2) Power of
perseverance (Right Effort)
(E3) Power of
mindfulness (Right Mindfulness)
(E4) Power of
mental concentration & calmness (Right Concentration)
(E5) Power of
wisdom (Right View & Intent)
F. The Seven Mental Faculties
Mindfulness (Right Mindfulness)
(F2) Insight
investigation (Right Concentration)
Perseverance (Right Effort)
Delightfulness (Right Intent)
Tranquility (Right Mindfulness)
Concentration (Right Concentration)
Equanimity (Right Concentration)
G. The Noble Eightfold Path
(G1) Right View
(Knowledge & Understanding)
(G2) Right Intent
(G3) Right Speech
(G4) Right Action
(G5) Right Livelihood
(G6) Right
[balanced] Effort
(G7) Right Mindfulness
(G8) Right Concentration
(Mental Unification)
Thus, any or many of the above 37 factors contribute to one’s
enlightenment either in the state of path (magga), where mental impurity
or defilement is respectively eradicated, or fruition (phala), where
one’s mind remains in the state of liberation as a result of respective eradication
of defilement. The path and fruition can be listed from lowest to
highest, as follows:
(1) The path
of Sotapanna Sainthood
with roughly 25% eradication of
mental fetters or impurities
(2) The
fruition of Sotapanna Sainthood
with roughly 25% liberation
(3) The path
of Sagadagami Sainthood
with roughly 50% eradication of
mental fetters or impurities
(4) The
fruition of Sagadagami Sainthood
with roughly 50% liberation
(5) The path
of Anagami Sainthood
with roughly 75% eradication of
mental fetters or impurities
(6) The
fruition of Anagami Sainthood
with roughly 75% liberation
(7) The path
of Arahat Sainthood
with roughly 100% eradication of
mental fetters or impurities
(8) The
fruition of Arahat Sainthood
with roughly 100% liberation
We can regard the Noble Eightfold Path (Tenfold Path when
including liberation and insight from liberation) which can be divided into the
aforesaid 37 factors as the ‘working tools’ to achieve the Path (magga)
and Fruition (phala) of enlightenment whereas the level of Sainthood
depends on one’s perfected merit or perfection, gained from the accumulation
& cultivation of merit, which is the ‘energy’ that enables the ‘working
tools’ to, more or less, eradicate mental fetters or impurities or defilements.
According to the Lord Buddha, the virtue perfection from
accumulation & cultivation of merit is accounted as the ‘time frame,’ not
the volume of merit energy. This is because, it takes (i) time (ii)
quantity or volume of merit energy in the form of element and (iii) quality or virtue
cultivation in the form of essence, altogether, to achieve virtue perfection or
perfected merit. This can be compared to the baking of bread which
requires proper heat and time for different volume of flour mass in order to be
Therefore, we can
derive Dhammonomic equations to show the correlation between various factors
contributing to enlightenment as follows:
The 37 Factors Lead to Enlightenment (F) =
(A and/or B and/or
C and/or D and/or E and/or F and/or G)
Unification of the Meditative Noble Eightfold Path (U) =
Meditative x [Right
(View + Intent + Speech + Action + Livelihood + Effort + Mindfulness + Mental
Perfected Merit within a Time Frame (P) = (A x C)T
Perfection (P) = (Accumulation
x Cultivation of Merit)Time Frame
Accumulation of Merit = (A) =
Basic Commitment
Commitment (Uppa-Parami)
Advanced Commitment
Cultivation of Merit = (C) =
(i) Generosity (ii)
Discipline (iii) Renunciation (iv) Wisdom (v) Perseverance (vi) Patience (vii)
Truthfulness (viii) Resolution (ix) Compassion, and (x) Equanimity by ways of
the following 10 meritorious deeds:
(1) Giving (2)
Observing Moral Precepts (3) Meditation (4) Humility (5) Helpfulness (6) Sharing Merit (7) Appreciating
Others' Merit (8) Learning the Dharma (9) Teaching the Dharma, and (10) Keeping
Right View
The required period of time or ‘time frames’ = (T) are as
Achievement Required
Time Frame
(1) Perseverance
Oriented Buddha 80 eons and
100,000 sub-eons
(2) Faith
40 eons and 100,000 sub-eons
(3) Wisdom
20 eons and 100,000 sub-eons
(4) Silent
eons and 100,000 sub-eons
Right-Sided Senior Disciple Saint 1 eon and 100,000
Left-Sided Senior Disciple Saint 1 eon and 100,000
Specialized Disciple Saint
> or = 100,000 sub-eons
(8) Common
Arahat Saint
100,000 sub-eons
(9) Anagami
< 100,000
(10) Sagadagami
< 100,000 sub-eons
(11) Sotapanna
< 100,000 sub-eons
1 eon = 1 asangaiya
1 sub-eon = 1 kappa
Resolution = (R)
This means one has
resolved or intended or decided along the period of merit accumulation &
cultivation to attain enlightenment in correspond to the present expected
achievement of sainthood or Buddhahood.
Equation of Enlightenment = (E)
(Unification of Magga x (Accumulation x
Cultivation of Merit)Time Frame) Resolution
E =
(UF x (A x C)T)R
In conclusion,
enlightenment can occur to an individual when one experiences verbal, physical,
and mental Magga Unification whilst having enough fulfilled & perfected
By Pirajak S.
(formerly Pittaya Wong)
11 – 14 August 2018
First Revision on
18 August 2020
Sources of
our study:
(1) The Voice of Dhamma from Suan
Kaew Vol. 1 & 2 by Acariya Master Nun Wanjai Chookorn
(2) Samatha-Vipassana Meditation by Assoc. Prof.
Venerable Master Phra Thepyanmongkol (Sermchai)