Chapter 44: Condensed Merit Energy & Perfection
The Condensed Merit Energy
(punya dhatu)
(Condensed Merit Element or Mc)
Merit is universal
term for people from all walks of life. However,
in Buddhism, merit energy can be earned through the ten meritorious deeds (M) namely (1) giving (2) observing moral precepts (3) practising
meditation (4) showing respect & humility (5) extending helpfulness (6)
dedicating or sharing merit to others (7) appreciating others’ merit (8)
learning the Dharma (9) teaching the Dharma and (10) correcting one’s view
& attitude.
As one
commits any or all of the ten meritorious deeds, one can earn merit energy filled
into one’s mind. However, merit energy
which one can earn from each meritorious deed may differ in quality and
quantity depending on various factors of which we express as functions of
merit or f (M) where Mc is the volume of condensed merit energy (quality merit) one earns out
of the net volume of merit or M (quantity of
speaking, a good quality of merit is earned from dedication which enables one
to cultivate one’s virtues well.
Technically, we call this condensed merit which is the merit energy that
contains much dhammic essence in concurrent with merit element. On the contrary, one can also earn abundant
merit with different approaches which yield fertile merit fruitions according
to the Law of Karma whereby one does not go through much cultivation such as
when a wealthy person makes 100 USD donation to a university when comparing to
a poor person who also makes 100 USD donation to the same non-profit organisation. The poor has to sacrifice more in percentile although
he donates the same amount as the wealthy person. Therefore,
the superior dedication contributes to much more quality merit where the merit
element is more concentrated.
condensed part of merit energy or Mc occurs from
the intensity of thought + speech + action which one has in such meritorious
deed. Moreover, the intensified merit is
reinforced by the five essence-catalysts namely wisdom + faith or confidence +
perseverance + mindfulness + concentration.
we come up with an equation of condensed merit energy as follows:
Mc = [f(M)i] ÷
Mc = Condensed
Merit Energy
f(M) = function
of each of the ten meritorious deeds with different variables
i = intensity of
thought, speech, and action
I = the five
essence-catalysts namely wisdom, faith or confidence, perseverance,
mindfulness, and concentration
It is the condensed merit energy (Mc) which leads to the concurrent sedimentation
or perfection of merit and crystallisation of virtue (ten parami) which
can be rendered further in the Dhammonomic expression as:
Pv = Va √ ([f(M)i]
÷ I) or
Pv = Va √Mc
Pv = Any of the
ten perfected virtues
Va = 8 = regular commitment
Vb = 4 = living commitment
Vc = 2 = life commitment
Mc = condensed merit energy
i = intensity of
thought, speech, and action of meritorious deed
I = the five
essence-catalysts namely wisdom, faith, perseverance, mindfulness, and
w or Wisdom Oriented = fw[P(v)] = ∫
from Pt1(v) to Pt20(v)
f or Faith Oriented = ff[P(v)] = ∫ from
Pt1(v) to Pt40(v)
p or Perseverance Oriented = fp[P(v)]
= ∫ from Pt1(v) to Pt80(v)
t =
time of cultivation
Perfection fulfillment based on wisdom = 20.1 eons
Perfection fulfillment based on faith = 40.1 eons
Perfection fulfillment based on perseverance = 80.1
Pirajak Tisuthiwongse
Wizard & Dharmonomist
July 2021