Chapter 8. Gym Theorem

Gym Theorem & The Economy of Scale

Referring to the concept of Economy of Scale in modern economics as shown in the graph of Economy of Scale (white background color), the more quantity of products produced, the more production efficiency will be achieved.  Thus, this will result in lower cost of production per unit, and consequently the lower price of product.  In general, we can say that the cost of production per unit will be lower accordingly to the more quantity of production.

Likewise, as we apply this concept to Dhammonomics to create the 'Dhammonomy of Scale.'  We can derive the Gym Theorem with its corresponding graph (pink background color) reflecting the Buddhist teaching that as we think, speak, and act something more frequently, we will gain skill or vasi.  This is true for both morality and immorality.

Thus, the Gym Theorem in Dhammonomics expresses this phenomena as follows:

(1) The more we exercise or work out, the more strength we gain for our body.

(2)  The more frequent wholesome thought, speech, and action we commit, the more strength of virtue we gain for our mind, and we can remain virtuous more easily as it becomes our habit.

(3)  The more frequent unwholesome thought, speech, and action we commit, the more strength of immorality we gain for our mind, and we can remain unvirtuous more easily as it becomes our habit.

To explain with the graph of Gym Theorem:

In the beginning with an untrained thought, speech, and action, it will take more attempt or effort to eliminate our immorality and keep up with morality in order to earn merit.  As we think, speak, and act morally more and more, we will get used to it, and it will become easier for us to keep up with morality and abstain from immorality with less attempt or effort.

In conclusion, it is recommended to all people to overcome or withstand the hardship from keeping up with moral thought, speech, and action, in the early stage of mental, verbal, and behavioral training or development.  It will take more effort and attempt to think, speak, and behave morally until they become our habit.  Then, it will become easier and require less effort and/or attempt afterward.  

By Pittaya Wong

11 August 2018